Recent news from Amalgamated Heating and Plumbing Contractors Group

The Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors Ireland and Heating and Plumbing Association of Ireland have had a busy month with some significant announcements…

Concerns around Construction Industry Register of Ireland Act

The proposed new Construction Industry Register of Ireland (CIRI) is wending its way through the Dail. Once this becomes law, every self-employed worker or contractor engaged in construction will require a CIRI registration before they can trade. While the association is in agreement that this is a good idea, there have major concerns regarding the implications on the sector, which the APHCI feels merits an independent register in its own right. The association are requesting that contractors contact their local TD’s and Senators as soon as possible to explain the situation to them. Further details are available on the app or from any of the delegates. 

New app

An exciting new resource for everyone in the trade has been developed. The innovative app enables instant access to all the latest trade and product data as well as the latest news from the association. Over time, it is hoped to provide a fully-fledged training portal via the app to equip all craftspeople in the sector with access to a knowledge base to cope with the ever-changing and complex demands of the sector.

Efficient package trial

Development work is continuing on a software business management package that will among other things enable users to optimize their workload, schedule and record work, issue professional reports and certificates electronically, directly from the worksite. This project is proceeding in conjunction with a British Specialist under the watchful eyes of Ken Lawrence and Richie Burke who hope to start trialling the prototype shortly. 

Questions raised

The high-level announcement by the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU) that the proposed non-domestic gas regulation scheme will not now proceed and that the domestic register will be expanded to include non-domestic works, raises many questions. How this integration is to pan out is unclear at the moment and further details are awaited from the CRU with interest. In particular the criteria for the registration of those coming into the scheme for the first time as well as the implications for current RGII’s. 


Due to the ongoing turmoil facing Ukrainians and the effect this is having economically on a global scale, members of APHCI are now reporting fuel poverty among their customers particularly those on fixed incomes on a regular basis. There is also an increased interest in the solid fuel back boilers and stoves akin to the fuel crisis of the 70’s. With the imminent complete demise of fuel supplies from Russia and self-sufficiency in green electricity still several years away, coupled with the fact that heat pumps will never be the solution for every application, the Government will have to think outside the box to find a solution to take us through the next 10 to fifteen years.