One-stop-shop solution from Grant

Providing properties with fully-integrated multiple package heating solutions...

Heating technology manufacturer Grant is giving installers working on new build projects the opportunity to have the properties’ entire heating requirements designed, quoted and supplied under one roof with its fully integrated multiple package heating solution offering.

Combining a growing product portfolio with the specialist knowledge of its technical team, Grant’s latest offering champions a straightforward and time- saving approach to the identification of a property’s heating requirements. It brings together multiple technologies which complement one another in operation to help end users unlock a new level of efficiency for their heating system and achieve greater long-term savings on annual heating bills.

With over 40 years of championing innovation, quality, exceptional performance and reliability, Grant has built an extensive product offering including award-winning condensing oil boilers, highly-efficient air source heat pumps, hot water cylinders and high- quality heat emitters. Products from Grant’s portfolio are selected to feature within the free of charge multiple package offering, which can provide the full heating solution to properties based on their requirements.

With an increased focus on integrating more sustainable forms of home heating into properties throughout 3 Ireland, Grant’s Aerona air source heat pump range has grown significantly in popularity over recent years and is an important element in the multiple package offering.

Grant’s existing air source heat pumps have now been replaced by the A+++ Grant Aerona3 R32 air source heat pump range which surpasses efficiency outputs and environmental benefits traditionally associated with heat pumps. The introduction of R32 refrigerant, which has a substantially lower global warming potential than other typical heat pump refrigerants, meets upcoming legislative requirements outlined in the 2014 EU Greenhouse Gas (F-Gas) Regulations and positions the Grant Aerona3 R32 range as a premium choice for those wishing to futureproof a property.

Available in outputs of 6kW, 10kW, 13kW and 17kW, the Grant Aerona3 range can help end users achieve Part L compliance as outlined in building regulations in the Republic of Ireland and has several intelligent features including greater operating efficiencies at lower external temperatures, larger outputs to match the type of property encountered and reduced operational noise levels. Suitable for a variety of properties and install situations, each model within the range operates using basic thermodynamic principles and converts thermal energy in the surrounding atmosphere into heat energy.

Grant’s Monowave and Duowave stainless steel hot water cylinders have been designed specifically to complement units within the Aerona3 R32 range and feature a larger primary coil for faster heat transference and compression fittings which are strategically located to offer a straightforward installation.

Completing a property’s full heating system, the Grant team can identify suitable products from their extensive heat emitter offering which work effectively with the low temperature operation of a Grant Aerona3 air source heat pump. Introduced to the market a year ago, the Grant Solo fan convector radiator range is a popular choice. It comprises three models including the wall-mounted Solo Compact, the Solo CompactMAX and the space saving plinth heater, the Solo Hideaway. Each model delivers faster rates of convection compared to conventional radiators, producing more output per unit area and requiring no warm-up time, which in turn means they will operate for shorter periods of time and consume low amounts of energy.

Also featured within Grant’s heat emitter offering is the Grant Afinia aluminium radiator range which combines functionality with aesthetics to deliver an effective pairing for both traditional and renewable heating systems. With versatility at the core of its design, units in the Grant Afinia range are available from 6-20 panels as either vertical or standard radiators to ensure they meet the needs of any install situation. With excellent thermal conductivity associated with aluminium, the radiators can heat up and cool down rapidly and have a low energy consumption which can help reduce energy bills. Grant also provide full specifications for underfloor heating which can be easily integrated with both new and existing heating systems.

To avail of Grant’s fully- integrated multiple package heating solution offering, email the new build project plans to heatpump@

Product Spotlight


  • DC Inverter driven
  • MCS approved
  • 6kW-17kW heat output
  • R32 Refrigerant
  • In built weather compensation
  • A+++ ErP Rating
  • 13kW and 17kW models received Quiet Mark
  • Compact Size
  • Single Phase
  • Superior seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) at low temperatures
  • 5-year warranty
  • Complies with Part L of building regulations in the Republic of Ireland

Contact the Grant Technical Team:
T: 0800 0443261 (NI) / 057 9126968 (ROI)
Follow Grant online: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @mygrantNI @grantirl